Current Openings
Bilingual Community Outreach Specialist (Korean) - MOAPIA
- Washington, DC
- Mayor's Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (MOAPIA)
DC Is Hiring- Join our talent bank
- Washington, DC
Director - Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA)
- Washington, DC
- Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services (DMHHS)
Director - Department of Human Service (DHS)
- Washington, DC
- Department of Human Services (DHS)
Director of Communications and Outreach - Deputy Mayor for Education (DME)
- Washington, DC
- Deputy Mayor for Education (DME)
Executive Director - Mayor's Office of Religious Affairs (MORA)
- Washington, DC
- Mayor's Office of Religious Affairs (MORA)
Grants Management Specialist - Mayor's Office on Volunteerism and Partnerships (Serve DC)
- Washington, DC
- Mayor's Office on Volunteerism and Partnerships (Serve DC)
Language Access Monitor - Mayor's Office on Latino Affairs (MOLA)
- Washington, DC
- Mayor's Office on Latino Affairs (MOLA)
Peer Navigation Supervisor - Mayor's Office on Returning Citizen Affairs (MORCA)
- Washington, DC
- Mayor’s Office of Returning Citizen Affairs (MORCA)
Public Information Officer - Mayor's Office on Latino Affairs (MOLA)
- Washington, DC, DC
- Mayor's Office of Latino Affairs (MOLA)
Workforce Specialist - Mayor's Office of LGBTQ Affairs (MOLQBTQA)
- Washington, DC
- Mayor's Office of LGBTQ Affairs (MOLGBTQA)