Current Openings
Associate Director - Mayor’s Office of Talent and Appointments (MOTA)
- Washington, DC
- Mayor's Office of Talent and Appointments (MOTA)
Associate Director for Messaging - EOM Office of Communications
- Washington, DC
- Office of Communications (Comms)
Bilingual Outreach Specialist (ASL) - Mayor's Office of Deaf, DeafBlind, & Hard of Hearing (MODDHH)
- Washington, DC
- Mayor's Office of Community Affairs (MOCA)
DC Is Hiring- Join our talent bank
- Washington, DC
Director - Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA)
- Washington, DC
- Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services (DMHHS)
Director - Department of Human Service (DHS)
- Washington, DC
- Department of Human Services (DHS)
Director, Department of Public Works (DPW)
- Washington, DC, DC
Executive Director - Mayor's Office of Religious Affairs (MORA)
- Washington, DC
- Mayor's Office of Religious Affairs (MORA)
Senior Budget Analyst - Office of Budget and Performance Management (OBPM)
- Washington, DC, DC
- Office of the City Administrator (OCA)